Unit Studies are a type of teaching method where students are able to learn about a specific topic through multiple subject areas. Stacey loves to teach when using unit studies and today she is going to share with you how to create your own unit study plan that will work for any age group or topic. She even includes a FREE unit study planner printable to help you with your planning.Read More →

Get ready for Jenny to share how her homeschool is going, straight from her kitchen! She addresses recent natural disasters, curriculum, and what it is like being enrolled in a homeschool charter school. Spoiler alert: Not a lot of lessons have been getting done… Oops! Happy Homeschooling, Jenny and StaceyRead More →

Are you tired of all the paper clutter of keeping your student’s school work and then having to organize it all for their portfolio? Stacey is here to show you how to make collecting portfolio samples easy by going DIGITAL! Using Google Drive, Stacey will show you step-by-step how to create your first folder and then upload your student’s samples.Read More →