Happy New Year! Are you ready for 2018?

2017 is almost done!

It is almost 2018 and I feel like the end of 2017 flew by! First, I would like to thank everyone who followed along with me as we went through the themes this year. Second, I want to apologize for completely slacking at the end of the year and not posting the themes (more on that in just a bit). I truly appreciate everyone who followed along, tagged photos on Facebook and Instagram for me to see, and reached out to me with feedback! It can be a lonely world on this side of the computer screen when I create the weekly themes, but it is so much fun when I get to hear from you all and see everyone  implementing the themes in their own daycare. So, THANK YOU for reading and using the themes I create!

What have I been up to?

Now for the life update portion of this post. My husband switched jobs back in September and we moved from Nevada to California. This move resulted in me closing my daycare in Nevada and no longer needing to create daycare curriculum for my own use. This is the main reason all of the themes were not completed towards the end of the year. Once we got settled into our new home in California I started substitute teaching at elementary schools and started to work on my tasks to finally get my teaching credential. With subbing and the extra work towards my credential, I didn’t have much time to finish creating the themes as originally planned. As of right this second I do not plan on re-opening a home daycare, but my ultimate goal is to be a stay-at-home mom and home school my three boys (currently 5yo, 3.5yo, and 2yo).

Our family in front of our fireplace shortly after we moved to our new house.


What is in store for 2018?

For now, I have updated the themes page to reflect the 2018 dates and I will be sending the weekly themes and materials lists out monthly to my subscribers through e-mail. I will create and post any missing themes as we go through this year. Since I do not have a full-time daycare, I will not be doing the activities with you on Facebook or Instagram unless I find some time in the evening to do some of the activities with my own boys (which I might do to help demonstrate different ways to modify activities for different age groups).  For now, this is all I have planned, but I hope to have more time soon so that I can share more with all of you!

I would love to hear from you!

Please leave a comment below or reach out with this form letting me know what you are most excited for in the upcoming year. Once I have all the themes created, what other content would you like to see on this blog? Would you like to see activities and tips from a stay-at-home mom? More advice for the daycare provider? I have so many ideas about how to grow this blog once I have more time, but I would love to hear what you want to see!

Thank you and have an awesome 2018!