What does “Kids Learning for Life” mean?

What does “Kids Learning for Life” mean? I’m glad you asked. This blog was started with the idea that children should not associate learning as something that they have to do, but something that they get to do for the rest of their lives. This blog will help answer the question, how do I help my kids create a love for learning that they will carry with them into adulthood? Before we can help kids create a love for learning, we need to understand the importance of learning in our everyday lives.

If I ask the question, “Where do you learn?” what comes to mind? Did you say school, college, or work? All of these places are great opportunities to learn, but we can sometimes forget that we are always learning new things, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Learning is something that is constantly happening all the time and learning does not end when that school bell rings for our kids. Whether they are playing with friends, helping cook dinner, or just reading a book, these are all opportunities to learn something new. The more kids learn, the more knowledge they will gain and doesn’t everyone want to be knowledgeable? I know I sure do. All of the learning I have done over the past ten years, through college, working with children, and raising my own three boys, has given me enough knowledge to be able to share my insights with you through this blog. One reason I started this blog was not only to share my ideas, but to learn more on topics and be able to start conversations with my readers to learn more about others perspectives. The more I learn the more confident I feel about discussing my views on a topic.

Kids will also feel more confident if they learn more. When I worked at the after school program, it was easy to know what topics the kids knew more about because they were more confident talking about that topic. The more they learned, the more confident they were when they talked to me about the topic. Kids need to have this confidence and get excited about things in order to want to learn more. How do we create this confidence and excitement? That is what I will be sharing here on this blog with you. Activities, experiences, and advice to help kids learn for life!

Where do you find yourself learning the most? Let me know in the comments down below!

